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Miniaturka MTV
Jak sprzedawcy oszukują nas na Allegro?
Niestety robienie wałków na popularnym serwisie aukcyjnym ma długą historię. To nie jest odosobniony przypadek.
okejki 514 · 114 327x · komentarze 224 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
FIFA w prawdziwym życiu
Jak wyglądałaby piłka nożna gdyby FIFA wiernie odzwierciedlała grę komputerową w rzeczywistości?
okejki 276 · 55 681x · komentarze 51 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
A refrigerator that works by stretching rubber bands
Handheld CNC router: Rubber band thermodynamics: Rubber band bicycle wheel: Thermal camera in this video: Opgal Therm-App 25Hz: Let me know if you're interested in seeing more detail about (…)
okejki 11 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Ozzy Man Reviews: Men's Diving
Me bloody aussie critical analysis of elite men's diving and how it's possible to score zero and still be a bloody legend. Fair Dealing: parody, satire, review. Twitter @OzzyManReviews Fair Fucken Use (1 908 612x oglądano na YT)
okejki 5 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Near death experiences captured by GoPros compilation Vol.8
To get the latest updates like me on facebook: Thanks for tuning in! Subscribe, Like, Comment! See you next time! Song: MitiS & MaHi - Sky Check out the originals: bikers kid in treewell base jumper avalanche Everest https(…)
okejki 6 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Father sits down his sons and reveals $2.7 million lottery win
Ojciec przekazuje synom informacje o wygranej w loterii
okejki 5 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
olimpada 3 - wideorecenzja
Sporty rozne jak w zyciu sprawdzam (22 105x oglądano na YT)
7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
My Pokémon GO Experience
I LOVE POKEMON GO! But ngl it's not perfect. Here are my views and complaints about em. (Dw, no more Pokemon vids. I originally had the part 2 video from the last one planned, but had to scrap that) "OMG GRADE, JUST OVER 10 MINS! YOU BITCH!" I know I know lol, but this was originally an 18 min vid, complaining about GPS spoofers and how awesome this game is etc, but some of it(…)
7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Wypadek na S3 o włos tył
Śmiertelny wypadek na S3 koło Gorzowa Wlkp. (19 544x oglądano na YT)
okejki 11 · 7 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
FIFA World Cup 2002 - Disgrace of a Sport
In 2002, Korea and Japan were given the chance to host the FIFA World Cup. What was supposed to be a beautiful sporting event that consisted of flying colors from a variety of nations turned into an infamous plot to derail the hopes and dreams of the nations cheated. During the tournament, South Korea defeated giants Italy and Spain through dirty tactics consisting of playing ro(…)
okejki 4 · 7 lat temu